Monday, February 21, 2011

Taking the 365 Day Challenge

I agreed to do the 365 Day Challenge which was introduced by Jo Bekah Photography.  I have been taking pictures but hadn't had the time to post these pictures.  I finally started to get them all posted and I am currently trying to catch up my posts up to today. 

The 365 Day Challenge is a challenge to take at least one picture every single day for a year. Anyone can join in on this and you don't have to be a photographer to do it!! To find out more information visit  or

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Changes to Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography

Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography (due to the high volume of Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography and Chris Harrison Photography businesses within the industry) has changed names. Chirs Harrison Fine Art Photography will now be doing business as Poetic Vision Photography.  New identity, branding, and marketing structure joined with outstanding customer service, and superb lab services will make Poetic Vision Photography the leader in the local photography industry. Come visit the new website at

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Giveaway Winner

"Winter Fog"
 Congratulations to Ronda Thatch for being the winner of the Blog Giveaway!! Ronda wins a 16" x 24" lustre coated print of "Winter Fog" which is a $125 value! Thanks Ronda for joining my blog. Everyone else, watch for more giveaways to come!