Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wildlife Fun at Big Horn National Recreation Area

I spent a couple of days out at the Big Horn National Recreation Area over the weekend which is located just a few miles from my house (near Lovell, Wyoming).  I really like to go out there because there are some spectacular views, 1000 ft canyon walls of Devil's Canyon, wild mustangs running free, big horn sheep, and eagles.  It was a great time seeing the wildlife out enjoying spring.  Here are a few photos from the weekend!

© 2011 Poetic Vision Photography
Above: This guy was guarding his herd while they grazed.  He even butted head with a younger, smaller ram too. 
Below:  The following morning I found these big horn sheep laying on the edge of the cliffs of the 1,000 ft walls of Devil's Canyon.  It was a pretty amazing to see!

© 2011 Poetic Vision Photography

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Type Of Camera That Is Right For You

Why you may get a video camera
Do you like to capture memories day after day, but feel that a photo sometimes just isn't enough to capture the exact moment? It may be that you want to record your child's first steps as they lurch forward, or hear the screams of the crowd as you listen and watch a video of the music festival you attended. Sure, whilst a camera may capture the moment, unless you get the precise moment with one foot in the air, it may just look like your son is standing there.
This is where choosing from a range of video cameras is going to have more relevance and purpose for you. And these days, the quality of captured footage from many video cameras is so good, that you can take individual frames and print these - as long as you have the right software of course.
Why you might choose a Digital SLR Camera
If a picture can tell a thousand words, then a well taken picture can tell a complete story. A beautifully taken picture has depth, vivid colour, contrast and a richness that truly enhance the memory of the event. This is where digital SLR cameras hold their own.
Whilst a DSLR may be more expensive than a point and shoot camera, the quality of the photo compared to that of a point and shoot is much better. Furthermore, the ability to change lenses, alter the exposure time, change the aperture and so much more gives you, the photographer, much greater ability to capture the image you want, in just the way you want.
There are literally hundreds of digital cameras online for sale. It is a matter of taking the time to determine what is right for you and getting to know the camera before you buy.
Why you might choose a Point and Shoot Camera
With the advance of technology, point and shoot cameras are beginning to become a hybrid between video cameras and digital SLR's. Greater optical zoom, more ability to select settings on the camera to adjust the captured image and the ability to capture HD video as well as still images has made point and shoot cameras very desirable. Add to the equation the fact that the price point is below that of video cameras and DSLR's and the ease in which they can be carried around in a pocket or handbag, and the point and shoot camera is a good choice for people wanting to get the best of both worlds!
There are a lot of options out there at different price points and suiting different lifestyles, and different requirements. The key to choosing the right option for you is to consider what you want from a camera before looking at the options.
Michiel Van Kets writes articles for John Sharp about Cameras Direct, an online store providing the most cheapest, high quality video cameras and digital cameras online for you. Cameras Direct's wide choice of cameras are available in a range of different well known brands such as Sony, Canon and Nikon just to name a few. If you're looking for cameras that can take strikingly beautiful photos then Cameras Direct is perfect for you. Find more about prices on products like digital SLR cameras.

Article Source:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Website Launch

The new Poetic Vision Photography website has officially launched!!  New look, new feel, new design, user friendly, easier product and print ordering, and of course new photos!! Come and check it out and let me know what you think!

Here I am.  New photo of me from the new website!

Landscape Photography - 4 Tips to Capture Great Landscape Shots

If you have been active in traveling, you may have had the many opportunities of capturing many beautiful landscapes in the places you travel. The landscape may look beautiful from your own eyes but it may not look as beautiful on the shots that you have captured. If so, you will want to know how to capture great landscape shots so that the next time you are out traveling and you come across a beautiful landscape, you will know how to capture it in its most beautiful form.
Increase Depth of Field
To capture a landscape with as much detail as possible, you would want to use a deep depth of field. This would ensure that most of the landscape will be sharp and in focus. To use a deeper depth of field, you will need to adjust your camera's aperture settings so that it is using a smaller aperture. When using this aperture setting, you may find that your shots will turn out to be darker than normal. The reason for this is due to the small aperture opening in your camera lens and this means less light can enter your camera lens, hence a darker shot.
To counter this problem, you will need to increase your camera's shutter speed so that your camera shutter stays open longer to allow more light into the lens. Alternatively, you could also try to bump up your camera's ISO so that the camera sensor is more sensitive to light, although that would mean a grainy shot.
Capture the Movement
You may be wondering what movement there is to capture as landscapes are generally still and passive. However, that is what most people think when they think of landscape photography. Landscapes can have movements in them such as a running waterfall, trees swaying due to wind, clouds moving, or waves pounding on the shores. These are all movements that can be captured to make your landscape shots look more dynamic and lively.
To capture landscape movements, you will need to use a slower shutter speed so that the shutter stays open longer to allow the camera sensor to capture more movements in your scene. However, this would allow more light to enter through your camera lens, thus causing your composition to be over exposed. To overcome this problem, you will need to use a smaller aperture which will then limit the amount of light entering through your camera lens.
Lookout for the Horizon
When capturing any landscape scene, it is a good idea to think about how you want to frame the horizon in your composition as it is an important part of any landscape shots. Try to align the horizon along one of the lines in the rule of thirds. Do not frame your horizon dead in the center of your composition as it usually does not look as good when compared to framing your horizons along one of the lines in the rule of thirds. There are exceptions to this but it is rarely the case when it comes to landscape photography.
Utilize a Tripod or Monopod
When capturing landscape scenes, it is normal for you to use a longer shutter speed to get more light into your lens as you will be using a smaller aperture for a sharper landscape shot. This also means that your camera shutter will stay open longer and any slight movement of your hands can cause your shot to be blurred. To counter this problem, you can bring along a tripod or monopod to help you stabilize your camera while composing your landscape photography shot.
Roy Lee is a freelance photographer residing in Malaysia, who specializes in wedding, portrait, and landscape photography.
© Copyright - Roy Lee. All Rights Reserved.

Article Source:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Flaunt Your Photos on Canvas

Photos on canvas can make any room look good. They can add a personal touch to your home and maybe even make you remember good times. By putting your photos on canvas, you are saving them from a life hidden in the back of old closet and becoming full of dust.
There are a multitude of companies on the internet advertising the fact that they have the ability to put photos on canvas. There are also a lot of companies advertising massive discounts to put your photos on canvas for you.
So many people today take a digital camera with them everywhere they go. They take some really great photos have a quick look at them at the time, then later in the course of the day, they may go back and relook at them or show some friends then completely forget all about them. If the photos are really lucky they may make it from the SD card all the way to be stored on the computer and then filed away not to be seen again.
By putting your photos on canvas you have the chance to relive that special fun day over and over again. Every time you look as you walk passed it, it will surely bring back not only the memories, but it may bring a smile to your face again. Memories can bring back a wealth of emotions, why not cherish these emotions and memories and hang them throughout your house.
Because canvas prints do not weigh as much as traditionally framed photo prints, they are easier to put up and easier to move around. It also means that you can move them around a lot easier if you have to move house.
If you are stuck when it comes to picking a gift for someone who is close to you and or your family, you really should consider a printed canvas as the gift. Not only are they relatively a low cost option, they are said to be long lasting and almost guaranteed to be hit. Your gift will definitely be unique and totally original if you chose a personal photo to have printed. This would be the best personalized gift you can buy for someone that they can share with everyone else.
You can still order a printed canvas if you are running low on time to come up with the perfect gift. Many of the printers are able to do an order for you in just a couple of days.
I love scrapbooking. I enjoy cutting, pasting, designing and writing tags on my photos. My scrapbook defines me, each and every pages reflects my bubbly personality. Another great idea of keeping photos aside from scrapbooking is photos on canvas. I had a friend who converted her photos on canvas and the results are awesome.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The 10 Best Digital Photography Tips Straight From The Pros

Everyone wants to take great photographs, and many of us think we already do. When it comes to taking a picture that others will really want to see, and maybe even pay money for, a little bit of professional help can go a long way! Here we have compiled our list of the top ten outdoor photography tips from the pros.
1- Get ready in advance: Be certain that you have the camera set ahead of time for the conditions of the photograph you want to take. Things such as setting up a long exposure time, locking up the mirror and manual focusing all need to be done in advance to get a great shot of the stars at night for example.
2- Birds in flight are hard to capture: When you want to capture sharp images of birds in full flight (or taking off and landing) you want to make sure you use the "predictive autofocus" feature of your camera. Lock onto the bird before you are ready to take the shot by pressing down gently on the shutter button about half way and hold it. The camera will keep the bird in focus until you are ready to snap the shot, and it should turn out great!
3- People like people: When doing landscape shots, consider adding a person to the picture. This gives the viewer a focal point and puts the size of the landscape into perspective. It can be difficult to grasp the scale of a scene without something familiar to use as a guide. Having a person in the scene can also make it easier to sell.
4- Right place at the right time: Being where you need to be is far more important than having a more expensive camera or micromanaging the camera's controls. Be in the right place at the right time and make sure you don't miss the shot, if you need to fix it up slightly in Photoshop afterward then do so. Great images start out with great vision by the photographer.
5- Half-stop exposure drop: If you dial down the exposure by -.05, it will bring the colors to life and make your shadows really black. This simple step will make your images so much better you will be wondering why you never heard about doing this before!
6- Start looking down: There are so many interesting things at our feet, but how often do we notice them? Try to slow down, relax, and take in everything around you. You may be out to get a shot of an amazing landscape; but there may be a small detail shot right at your feet that could turn out to be the best shot of the day!
7- ND filters can be stacked: If you're trying to take pictures on overcast or cloudy days it can be very difficult to get any details in the sky as well as the landscape. Try stacking two split neutral-density filters, a 2-stop and a 3-stop which makes a 5-stop filter. This gives you more details in the clouds instead of them being overexposed! The trick is to stagger the dark areas of the filters so that there is a gradual and natural transition from the sky to the non-sky area of the photograph.
8- Less really is more: Keep your outdoor photographs simple! Position yourself, or zoom in so that you remove the non-essential elements from the image. What is the most important thing you are photographing and be certain to get rid of anything along the edges that is cluttering up the image.
9- Exposure compensation lives here: Try using Aperture priority for your exposure mode. Adjust the aperture setting, and the camera adjusts the shutter speed. If you need to make changes to the exposure press the exposure compensation button and make your adjustments to save on editing hassles on the computer later.
10- To the moon! To the moon! Try incorporating the moon into your photograph just after sunset. When scheduling a landscape photography session always check the phase of the moon and try to be in a location where you can capture the full moon in your photos. The night before the full moon may even be better as it is higher above the horizon than the night of the actual full moon.
There you have it, our top ten tips from actual professional photographers! Buying some new fancy camera isn't going to help your photographs improve if you don't know how to operate it properly or where to point it. Invest in your skills before you think about buying a new expensive camera.

Article Source:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Well I have been taking quite a few pictures and the 365 Day Challenge is coming along (I am getting closer to getting all the pitures posted and being caught up).  If you haven't seen the 365 Day Challenge then hop on over to and take a look.

Spring is coming and its time for the portrait sessions to start flooding in.  This looks like its going to be a great year!

I have some projects currently in the works.  There will be more news about this shortly so stay tuned!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Taking the 365 Day Challenge

I agreed to do the 365 Day Challenge which was introduced by Jo Bekah Photography.  I have been taking pictures but hadn't had the time to post these pictures.  I finally started to get them all posted and I am currently trying to catch up my posts up to today. 

The 365 Day Challenge is a challenge to take at least one picture every single day for a year. Anyone can join in on this and you don't have to be a photographer to do it!! To find out more information visit  or

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Changes to Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography

Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography (due to the high volume of Chris Harrison Fine Art Photography and Chris Harrison Photography businesses within the industry) has changed names. Chirs Harrison Fine Art Photography will now be doing business as Poetic Vision Photography.  New identity, branding, and marketing structure joined with outstanding customer service, and superb lab services will make Poetic Vision Photography the leader in the local photography industry. Come visit the new website at

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Giveaway Winner

"Winter Fog"
 Congratulations to Ronda Thatch for being the winner of the Blog Giveaway!! Ronda wins a 16" x 24" lustre coated print of "Winter Fog" which is a $125 value! Thanks Ronda for joining my blog. Everyone else, watch for more giveaways to come!